$afa|1-GAME ENDINGS $faf by Dave Dimaond After a good game you usually expect a decent ending,animated or frame told,however most of the time we`re treated to nothing more than a `congratulations` or `well done` screen followed by the credits.This is really disapointing as you`ve spent loads of time playing the game and then rewarded with a flimsy end sequence. What ive done is gathered some endings from games to give the overall impression of what the endings are like. MAGIC LAND DIZZY-You rescue grandpa,hop on a balloon and sail off into the air-totally pathetic as many people would have played this game for over 5 hours. STREETFIGHTER 2-I guess all ending of beat `em up`s are the same with still pictures telling the successfull revenge story,these aren`t bad as they`re arcade quality but still aren`t anything new or spectacular. INDY HEAT-possibly the worst ending ever as the game just starts again! DARK SEED-A brilliant adventure game,with a dire ending-you sell your house and move,for over 8 hours of playing i was a bit miffed as you`d expect a `cinematic` ending which goes on perhaps leading to a sequal. MONKEY ISLAND-A good ending as you kill lechuck,get the girl and kiss on the dock,i was happy with this ending as at least lucasarts tried to make an effort. MONKEY ISLAND 2-For over 15 hours of gameplay (well to some people) the ending was apalling as you leave a fairground with your family as a young boy,your brother turns to the viewer as a image of lechuck is cast over him,he winks and then it ends,suggesting he as lechuck-to be honest I blinked during the ending and missed it,i had to view it again with the cheat! DOOFUS-Q boring game with a suitable ending `congratulations you`ve saved the world` etc etc. FIRST SAMURAI-You kill the baddie and a message appears saying `congratulations you`ve completed first samurai but can you do it without loosing a life?`....No,and i wouldn`t want to either! ANOTHER WORLD-I think this is the best ending ive seen on a arcade adventure as you`re shot in the legs while trying to escape,your partner carries you onto a dragon while you fly off into the distance,a moving and well produced ending as its the first ending to a game where the good guy doesn`t make it. VALHALLA-BEFORE THE WAR-Another very good ending which makes you want to play the original (i didn`t like the first you see) anyway you kill the king thus becoming the new one but discover the baby prince has been took away-absolutley great plug for the game `lord of infinity`. I know what you`re thinking that these games are old but I only intended to show some of the endings,I mean when you buy a game you want to be satisfied at the end right? $ff0 [Just recently commpleted Superfrog and the ending was pretty crap on that as well. I tend to get more entertainment out of the process than the ending. If it taxes my brain, I'm happy unless I can't solve it! 8) Kei] $faf End.